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Our Carer Stories
From the heart
What are the best things about being a carer?
Being able to see the kids in our care feel safe, and to watch them settle into a comfortable, positive way of life. Seeing their confidence grow more and more each week enabling them to achieve goals that others may take or granted like; riding a bike without training wheels, making ‘best’ friends, or getting through an entire day at school without incident. These are huge achievements and it is very rewarding for us to watch and be a part of.
How do you think carer’s help our children and young people?I think carer’s go a long way in helping children from difficult or traumatic backgrounds reconnect socially and emotionally with their environment (home, school, and friends) and hopefully help them understand that life can keep moving forward in a positive way.
What important lessons have you learnt being a carer?
As adults who have raised a family of our own, we know our guidance, care, and love has not only provided a solid foundation for our kids to build on, but also the tools to deal with the ups and downs of everyday life. We see our children grow and develop their own personalities, find friendships, move through the school years, graduate, get a job, and find relationships and we think “it’s just how life is supposed to
go”. We don’t really stop and think about the influences we had in shaping that life…. It just happens.
We have learnt that “it’s not always how life goes” and it doesn’t always “just happen”. Being able to provide strong foundations for children is a gift that not all parents (for whatever reasons/circumstances) get to share.
What have our children and young people
taught you?
The little things really do matter. Everyone has a different story and develop different ways for coping and surviving their story. Sometimes ‘naughty’ behaviour is not just naughty behaviour, and you need to find out what emotional trigger has been set off, or maybe what appears to be defiant behaviour is really a
child just trying to keep control of their own life.
Children are very resilient developing their own coping and defensive mechanisms, and as such they will not easily give their trust and affection; you must earn it by offering security, routine, patience and understanding.
What do you think is important to show and teach our children and young people?
Children in care have usually come from harsh, traumatic backgrounds and often develop trust, anxiety, and emotional issues. Basic life skills such as building friendships, behaving in
a socially appropriate manner, going shopping, even catching a bus or train can be challenging for many children in care.
Providing them with the tools and skills to deal with everyday life and challenges is a goal I think most carers strive for. It is wonderful when you see the beginnings of trust, when you hear genuine laughter, and see the children making friendships, having sleepovers, and enjoying life as kids should. It’s a beautiful thing.
If you are interested in finding out more about Foster Care, we would love to hear from you!
You can either fill in an online enquiry form by clicking here or
Phone us on 1300 000 WCF to chat to our Carer Team.
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