Family Support Services
At times children, young people, and families in Out of Home Care (OoHC) need extra support and guidance. Our program aims to work with families to identify strengths that can be built on to increase the level of family functioning, safety, and well-being to keep families together.
We offer our services to organisations and agencies supporting children, young people, individuals and families as a fee for service. At William Campbell Foundation we are doing things differently. We aim to empower children and young people to have a voice and to be the drive of their journey to enable them to be the best person they can be. To achieve this, we have a commitment to using a therapeutic approach when working with children, young people and families.
Our program is designed to have a direct link to the Permanency Support Program, with a strong focus on therapeutic engagement to increase the parenting capacity and understanding that families can have with their children.
What programs do we run?
Family Time and Supervised Transport is a program that offers individualised arrangements to meet the specific needs of children and their families. WCF's Family Time and Supervised Transport offer support between children, their families, and significant others to spend time together in a safe and supportive environment.
Children and young people love spending time with their parents, and this program provides the opportunity for families to have positive contact that develops strong relationships whilst always working towards permanency outcomes for the child or young person.
Supervision and Support is specifc for when unplanned events happen and the child or young person is in need of supervisin or support. This can assist in ensuring they feel safe, secure and stable. Our Supervision and Support program may be needed for a variety of reasons including:
Placement Breakdown - we provide accommodation and support for up to two weeks, whilst alternate care options are sourced.
Placement Support - providing hands-on, practical in-home support to carers, children and young people.
Educational Support is focused on children who are suspended or unable to go to school for periods of time. The program gives them the opportunity to continue to engage in their education. We provide an interactive learning environment, which is aimed at increasing not on their basic skills in literacy and numeracy, but also their self-esteem, sense of community and confidence. Each child receives an individualised program that focuses on their strengths to ensure they have a positive experience in their learning.
As a strengths-based approach program, we aim to highlight the child’s strengths in any area which can be then utilised as a platform for further support in other settings such as at home, in school or the community.
Mentoring builds and strengthens skills. Child and young people can benefit from the support of mentoring to assist them to further develop their skills in a range of areas. Our program promotes a strengths-based approach and provides individualised, goal-orientated plans which are reflective, reviewable and centred and each child or young person's specific goals and needs.
Our Mentoring Program also includes:
Social Skills - This program involves a group setting with other children and young people in Out of Home Care of a similar age and with similar needs, participating in activities together to create positive connections.
Living Skills - This program is based around helping young people in Out of Home Care learn basic living skills that they will be able to implement at home and throughout their adult life. This including activities such as budgeting, cooking, job, and education seeking and resume writing.
NDIS - We can also offer Mentoring for children and young people with an NDIS PLan, working together to help achieve the goals set out in the child or young persons individualised plan. This may involve improved daily living, community access, and social and community participation.
Family Preservation aims to work with families where there is an imminent risk of children and young people being placed into care and identify strengths within the family that can be built on. Keeping families together is the best outcome for children and young people.