Partnerships are the way of the future.
Julia (SCMSAC) and Carol (WCF) at the Nowra Community Matters Fair
Our Partnership
WCF are proud to be partnered with the South Coast Medical Service Aboriginal Corporation (SCMSAC).​​
SCMSAC and WCF have partnered together to better support Aboriginal children, young people and families. Our priority is to ensure that Aboriginal children and young people in Foster Care have access to their culture and community.
What our Partnership means
The objective of our partnership is to work together to share knowledge and skill for the development and delivery of programs and services to Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children, young people and carers.
Some of our joint work together will involve:
Carer Recruitment and Training
Cultural Planning
Staff Training
Sharing Resources
Joint Community Events
Joint camps and Programs for our children and young people
Support Aboriginal children and young people to be placed in line with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Placement Principles
Click below to watch a video of WCF CEO Sonia Liddicoat and SCMSAC Craig Ardler discussing the partnership.

Download our Partnership brochure for more information
Becoming a Foster Carer
William Campbell Foundation and South Coast Medical Service Aboriginal Corporation Permanency Support programs are for children and young people who are unable to live at home for various reasons.
The Permanency Support Programs focus on guardianship, family restoration, and long term foster care.
Together we aim to lower the number of children placed into out of home care in NSW. We will work together with a focus on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) Placement Principles in ensuring Aboriginal children and young people are supported culturally. Children and young people have the right to grow up being connected to their culture.
Both agencies provide 24/7 after-hours support, a generous tax-free allowance, regular home visits, ongoing professional training, and caseworker support.
For more information please visit:
South Coast Medical Service Aboriginal Corporation www.southcoastams.org.au
William Campbell Foundation
South Coast Medical Service Aboriginal Corporation
Aboriginal Case Management Policy
The Aboriginal Case Management Policy (ACMP) is designed for caseworkers and practitioners working with Aboriginal children, young people and families. The ACMP was developed through an engagement process involving Aboriginal communities, AbSec, Department of Communities and Justice and other key stakeholders.
The ACMP is designed to achieve safety and wellbeing for vulnerable Aboriginal children and young people by keeping them with or returning them to family and connected to their community and culture, it is holistic, culturally responsive and embeds the values and perspectives of Aboriginal people.
Find out more: absec.org.au/aboriginal-case-management-policy-guidelines.html